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Connect Facebook Ads accounts to Welov
Connect Facebook Ads accounts to Welov

Connect Facebook ads accounts with the right permissions. See data history and metrics.

Maite avatar
Written by Maite
Updated over a week ago

📌 In Welov, you can connect Facebook Ads accounts as well as specific campaigns. ç

Requirements to link your Facebook Ads account or campaign

Whether you want to connect a Facebook Ads account or a specific campaign, you must be an administrator of that Ads account (and of the one in which the specific campaigns have been created).

The account won't show up in the Integrations dropdown. What should I do?

If you are an administrator and cannot connect the account/campaign, check that the advertising account is associated with a Fan Page of which you are an administrator.

If you are not an administrator, you will need to ask an account administrator to connect the account to Welov or assign you an administrator role: go to the Ad Manager Settings section > Under Ad Account Roles, select Add People > Enter the email of the user you want to add > Use the drop-down menu to select their role > Confirm.

Data history for Facebook Ads accounts

Once a Facebook Ads account or campaign is connected, you will see data passed according to the storage contracted in your plan, up to a maximum of two years.

The following data will only be available from the day of connection to Welov:

  • Facebook Ads Account: Engagement rate of the updates.

  • Facebook Ads Campaign: Clicks (all).

Facebook Ads does not return total data for period ranges longer than 90 days for the following metrics:

  • Cost per interaction with the post

  • Cost for all actions

  • Cost per click on single link

  • CPM

  • CPP (Cost per thousand people reached)

  • CTR

  • Outbound CTR

  • Reach

  • CTR (Unique)

  • Unique Impressions

  • Unique social clicks

Available metrics for Facebook Ads accounts

The Facebook Ads API only provides paid ad data. Development and ranking metrics are available.

Account metrics

  • Reach

  • New ads published

  • Frequency

  • Spent

  • Saved

  • Impressions

  • Likes

  • Reproductions (in different % of repr time)

  • Results

  • Visits to the landing page

  • Average replay time

  • Clicks

  • Cost (for different actions: CPC, CPM, CTR, etc.)

Ads/campaigns metrics

  • Evolutionary metrics: Clicks, interactions, impressions and average impressions.

  • Ranking:

    • Reach

    • Cost (for different actions)

    • Clics

    • Comments

    • Shared

    • Interactions

    • Impressions

    • Frequency

    • Visits to landing page

    • Reproductions

    • Spent

    • ER per impressions (inter)

  • Dimensions by country, region, age and gender:

    • Reach

    • Impressions

    • Clics

    • Spent

  • Dimensions per advertising platform:

    • Reach

    • Impressions

    • Frecuency

    • Clics

    • 2-second plays

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