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Connect LinkedIn to Welov

Connect LinkdIn accounts with the right permissions. See data history and metrics.

Maite avatar
Written by Maite
Updated over a week ago

📌 You can install professional LinkedIn accounts in Welov, as long as you have their credentials. Personal accounts cannot be installed to third-party tools due to limitations of the LinkedIn API.

🚀 We can provide competitor profile data from Linkedin via scraping at an additional cost. Please contact the Support team via the tool's chat to request this.

Requirements to link your Linkedin account

In order to install LinkedIn professional profiles, the user must have one of the following roles: super administrator, analyst, or page creator.

The Linkedin account won't show up in the Integrations dropdown. What should I do?

  • Check that you are not trying to connect a personal profile.

  • If you are not an administrator, ask an administrator (or creator) to install the profile in Welov or assign you a professional page role.

    To do this, access the super administrator view of the page, click on Admin Tools, and select Manage administrators > Page administrators > Add administrator. Enter the name of the user you want to add, choose Analyst or Super administrator role, and save.

Data history for Linkedin accounts

Once a professional LinkedIn account is connected to Welov (with credentials), you will see data passed according to the storage contracted in your plan, up to a maximum of 12 months.

🚦The Followers metric has only six months of history.

Playback time and plays per update are only shown from the day of connection to Welov.

Available metrics for Linkedin accounts

Account metrics

  • New updates

  • Clics

  • Recommendations

  • Comments

  • Shared

  • Followers

  • New followers (with breakdown into organic and paid)

Publications in the period

You will have evolutionary and ranking metrics available.

  • Impressions

  • Average impressions

  • Interactions

  • Interactions per day of the week

  • Interactions per hour

  • Recommendations

  • Comments

  • Shared

  • Clicks

  • Plays

  • Daily playback time

  • ER per impressions (inter)

  • ER per impressions (inter+clicks)

  • ER per followers

Geographic metrics

  • Followers by country

  • Organic followers by country

  • Paid followers by country

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